Lisa is a multimedia artist working with textiles, glass, scent, and works on paper (painting, drawing, printmaking and etching). Her textiles are extraordinary in their subtlety and refined, textured patterning achieved through the use of her own hand made natural dyes and the techniques of shibori and batik.

Her visual art takes inspiration from nature, and focuses on exploring the fine, sensual details found in plants, rocks, landscapes and using those textured and patinas in a style that is part abstract and part narrative. The forms and symbols in her glass work express ideas around vulnerability, destruction, protection, ageing, healing and transformation. Lisa is passionate about forming new distinctions for artistic collaborations, spaces and installations using a range of media, and finding a way to enrich performance experiences, and invite in new audiences.

To see more of Lisa’s artworks, please visit:


Lisa Goldberg is the Australian Romantic & Classical Orchestra’s resident artist as well as performing regularly as bassoonist with the orchestra. Her artwork is featured on the ARCOLIVE CD releases.